Case Study | Blount County Tennessee

Superintendent of the Blount County Schools in Maryville, Tennessee | 1998-2001


  • 9 School Board Members
  • 17 County Commissioners
  • 12,000 Students
  • Facility Needs Assessment and Cost Analysis
  • $80M Construction & Facilities Upgrade Investments

The Blount County School District in 1998 was in need of new and renovated facilities, new technology access for students and faculty and safety and security measures to insure a quality environment to learn and teach. Dr. Pack immediately began working with the school board and county commissioners to build relationships and develop a comprehensive plan to address the three major priorities facing the district. The county commissioners had agreed in principle to build four new middle schools over the next few years, but they had not voted to support a tax rate that could enable bonds to be sold for school construction. 

The school board asked the county commissioners for budget approval and construction dollars, but the majority of the commissioners need to vote for approval before funds can be released. It was obvious early on that there was much more needed in the area of school facilities, technology and safety and security than four new middle schools would solve. Dr. Pack engaged the community, provided an in-depth facility needs assessment and cost analysis on the three priorities of the school district.

The plan of action included four new middle schools, purchase of property, new technology upgrades, HVAC replacement, roof repairs and replacement in six schools, new phone systems, computers and access equipment for all schools in the county. This plan price tag was $80 million and was twice what the commissioners had considered previously. During 1998 and the fall of 1999, Dr. Pack spent time in all the school communities that supported the 24 schools and 12,000 students that made up the Blount County Schools. The school district hosted numerous community forums, meetings with individual commissioners, finance committees and legal advisors.  In the end, the commissioners agreed to support the largest building plan in the history of the school district.

All the construction projects and upgrades were completed on a timely and sound financial basis and the students, faculty and community are enjoying these facilities today. The importance of building relationships, having accurate information and a defined plan of action made over $80 million of construction and upgrades possible.

This is an example of the implementation of strategies that have proven to be effective in garnering support from funding agencies, and Pack & Associates can work with your school district or organization to establish a culture of success.