Financial and Campaign Management
Funding and Capital Acquisition
Pack & Associates will use proven techniques to develop an individual plan to suit the needs of our clients. Every issue and community is different. Pack & Associates will walk with you through your campaign from day one to post election day. Our associates will assist with the training of committees, levy messaging, voter registration, marketing and possible funding to get the right message out to constituents and voters. Let a proven team work with you to increase the possibilities of success on election day or with city and county commissioners that need to understand why you need a capital construction project or new operating monies.
Budget and Project Cost Development
Pack & Associates can assist your organization with a defined cost analysis for construction bonds, capital construction and new monies for operating expenses. Our experience shows that organizations come up with a number to ask voters or commissioners to support, but they either cannot justify the amount or over- or under-estimate the total cost involved. This can create animosity and distrust when it could have been avoided from the beginning. Unless your employees have extensive experience in these areas, it may prove to be a sound investment to engage Pack & Associates to allow us to show you how we can provide the accurate assistance and reporting you need.
Communicating Needs for Capital or Operating Increases
There are increasing demands made to our funding agencies on an annual basis. There has to be sound reasons and justifications to ask taxpayers or commissioners to raise taxes or provide funding out of dwindling resources. Pack & Associates have presented before funding agencies many times and can assist your organization with developing materials and a presentation platform that will present your needs in a factual and positive manner. We can attend those important commission and community meetings, and guide you through the tough questions that the funding agencies must ask. Pack & Associates will provide a venue to increase support and understanding of the needs of your organization.
Growing Voter and Financial Support
Enabling a school district, city, county or municipality to communicate to all constituents is necessary for success when requesting additional funding for capital projects or new operating monies. Pack & Associates has experience in assisting organizations in developing and implementing an accurate and consistent message so all constituents understand clearly what the needs are and what it will cost. Constant communication using proven strategies for success will provide a platform to answer questions, provide details of the request, indicate how it can enhance our communities and can be supported by the majority of taxpayers or commissioners.
Campaign Management
Pack & Associates can provide you with the tools necessary to manage a successful campaign. Our proven process will increase the likelihood that a funding agency or local taxpayers will support the needs of your organization. Pack & Associates will partner with you to demonstrate what this process can look like for your organization.