Board Organizational Health

Board Relations

Building relationships among individual members of a board ensures collaboration, compatibility, and a professional working environment. We assist in defining a process to enable all board members to understand and have input in the mission, vision and beliefs of an organization.

Strategic Planning

Define critical elements found in a one, three, or five year strategic planning process. Skill sets necessary of a board to ensure participation in annual evaluation of each year of the strategic plan. A step-by-step plan that is workable and doable, reviewed on an annual basis.

Board Goal Setting

We break down strategic planning into quarterly goals that support the long-term vision established in the strategic plan. Enables the board to determine who they are, the strengths they bring to the organization, and a consensus document of how the organization will operate for the year.

Board Evaluations

Establish a baseline and determine benchmarks to successfully measure the effectiveness of goals set to meet the mission and vision of the organization. Regularly report on the status of reaching the key milestones of the strategic plan.

Organizational Improvement Planning

Determine opportunities for growth among areas or departments in the organization. Develop a plan for improvements needed and successfully hit the critical success factors in the timeline established by the organization.